Although I am impressed with Festool’s systems approach, and appreciate there Systainers for the mobile craftsman, I don’t using them in my fixed-base shop. Part of the issue might stem from the fact that I am a very visual person. If I can’t see something, it must not exist.
I have struggled with keeping track of my Domino cutters. They are fairly expensive and I would hate to lose or damage them.
One of my favorite tools for organizing things is my 3D printer. I designed (in Fusion 360) and printed this tool holder to keep the cutters and their wrench close at hand. It is designed to mount to a French cleat rail.

So far, I am very happy with the utility provided by having the Domino cutters readily available.

If you have both a 3D printer and a Festool Domino, you can download the design files here: